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  • TeamSpeak 3 Client 3.0.11 rilasciato

    Questa release aggiunge la possibilità di cambiare lo stile dell'area della chat. Lo stesso stile può essere usato nel frame delle info cosicché i nomi siano mostrati allo stesso modo in tutto il client.
    Lo stile predefinito dell'area chat è camiato, se preferite il vecchi stile "classico" potete sceglierlo andando in Impostazioni-> Opzioni-> Design-> Tema-> "classic".

    Il changelog completo è il seguente:
    === Client Release 3.0.11 31 Jul 2013! Changed the platform string for the Mac OsX platform from "Mac" to "OS X"
    + Added (Windows only) hotkey support for multiple USB devices. If we cannot
      get the USB device name from the system, we will try to read it from a local
      file. Please notice usb.ids in root folder. You can always overwrite it with
      the latest version from http://www.linux-usb.org/usb.ids.
    + The chat- and poke messages are now styleable too. Please notice the
      default_chat.qss in styles/ folder for example. The default_chat.qss is also
      the fallback if <stylename>_chat.qss does not exist.
    + Added "Classic" theme for users who want the old chat color scheme back.
    + Protection against DOS attacks was added to server 3.0.8. Added required
      counterpart of this functionality to the client. Server 3.0.8 requires
      client 3.0.11 to connect.
    + Added C++ runtime libraries to Linux deployment
    * Reworked URLs storage hopefully fixing crash on loading corrupt data file.
      Stored URLs from previous versions will expire.
    * Autoexpire URLs after 180 days.
    * Plugin API: printMessage and printMessageToCurrentTab are now executed in
      the GUI thread, fixing a crash in the Arma plugin.
    * Added "Channel" to Receive/Sent Poke notification. New default for both
      is server + channel + client.
    * Added confirmation when deleting an Identity via the remove button.
    * Automatically close "ban client" and "serverquery login" dialogs when
    * Added limit of 40 characters in phonetic nickname field in channel dialog.
    * Added character limit to name field in server/channel copy dialog.
    * Added copying Server IP to clipboard from server connectioninfo dialog.
    * Added a dialog to make sure the user will be informed about old USB device
      hotkeys. They have to be newly assigned once.
    * Changed default chat notification settings for outgoing pokes.
    * Changed default settings for neutral contacts, no custom name anymore.
    * Added rootIsDecorated to remove collapse indicator on root item to stylesheet
    * Added to channel template: CHANNEL_VOICE_DATA_ENCRYPTED_FLAG
    * Added to server template: SERVER_VERSION_SHORT
    * Added that info frame loads the <style>_chat.qss
    - Fixed issue with outgoing poke display when user has special characters in
      in his nickname and the poke contains an URL.
    - Removed Collected URLs item from the tray menu.
    - Fixed some custom nickname displays which were not shown correctly (chat,
      poke and whisper history).
    - Fixed UTF-8 display of country tooltips (e.g. Curaçao), added bl.png for
      Saint Barthélemy.
    - Fixed "Make current channel default" in bookmarks dialog which didn't work
      properly after adding this bookmark while already being connected.
    - Fixed wrong connection count for new bookmarks (was 1 after creation even
      if we didn't connect yet).
    - Fixed vanishing port number from bookmark address field.
    - Fixed issue with chat pen displaying chat partner is typing when he was
      just interacting with the tab.
    - Fixed webserver list freezing when webserver is not reachable.
    - Fixed wrong "Apply/Discard" dialog when changing option pages.
    - Plugin API: Callbacks are now called properly on requestFileList
    - Fixed issues with highlight and filter in server log dialog.
    - Fixed offline message subject which will no longer send newlines.
    - Fixed that http:// is now the default scheme when missing in poke- or
      hostmessage dialog.
    - Fixed stylesheet helper hotkey which now shows the correct object names.
    - Fixed the translation of some hotkey descriptions.
    - Fixed server messages which had an additional whitespace at the beginning.
    - Fixed quoting of channel- and user links.
    - Fixed pasting a newline character which now is prevented at several places.
    - Fixed discarding mouse buttons at hotkey system "Keyboard & Mouse Only". If
      you don't need discarding, "Default" is the better choice and also more
    - Fixed unusable sound devices in osx
    - Fixed default Downloads folder on Linux, no longer download to home dir.
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    Indirizzo: voice.team-speak.it