Ho rifatto l'installazione, aggiungendo solo il file della licenza nella cartella del TS.

Ecco il risultato:

[root@62 teamspeak3-server_linux-x86]# ./ts3server_minimal_runscript.sh
TeamSpeak Server 3.0.0 [Build: 14957]
(c)TeamSpeak Systems GmbH

Logging started
2011-09-19 23:31:22.989437|INFO    |ServerLibPriv |   | Server Version: 3.0.0 [Build: 14957], Linux
2011-09-19 23:31:22.989783|INFO    |DatabaseQuery |   | dbPlugin name:    SQLite3 plugin, Version 2, (c)TeamSpeak Systems GmbH
2011-09-19 23:31:22.989863|INFO    |DatabaseQuery |   | dbPlugin version: 3.7.3
2011-09-19 23:31:22.990271|INFO    |DatabaseQuery |   | checking database integrity (may take a while)
2011-09-19 23:31:23.021339|INFO    |SQL           |   | db_CreateTables() tables created

                      I M P O R T A N T
              Server Query Admin Acccount created
         loginname= "serveradmin", password= "*******"

ry |   | dbPlugin name:    SQLite3 plugin, Version 2, (c)TeamSpeak Systems GmbH
2011-09-19 23:31:22.989863|INFO    |DatabaseQuery |   | dbPlu2011-09-19 23:34:32.477058|ERROR   |              |   | TS3ANetwork::Connect failed error: 110
2011-09-19 23:34:32.477199|ERROR   |Accounting    |   | Unable to connect to accounting server
2011-09-19 23:34:32.477248|ERROR   |ServerLibPriv |   | Server() error while starting servermanager, error: unable to connect to accounting server
[root@62 teamspeak3-server_linux-x86]# ry |   | dbPlugin name:    SQLite3 plugin, Version 2, (c)TeamSpeak Systems GmbH
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `|'
Che devo fare ragazzi? Ho seguito la vostra "guida" per l'installazione, ma cosi.... boh...