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Discussione: errore avvio mysql

  1. #1

    errore avvio mysql

    salve, sto cercando di trasferire il database da sqlite a mysql, ma per ora sto avendo non pochi problemi. questo è l'errore che visualizzo:

    2013-12-03 04:38:17.818967|INFO    |DatabaseQuery |   | dbPlugin name:    MySQL plugin, (c)TeamSpeak Systems GmbH
    2013-12-03 04:38:17.819370|INFO    |DatabaseQuery |   | dbPlugin version: 1
    2013-12-03 04:38:18.011591|INFO    |Accounting    |   | Licensing Information
    2013-12-03 04:38:18.011924|INFO    |Accounting    |   | type              : Non-profit
    2013-12-03 04:38:18.012219|INFO    |Accounting    |   | starting date     : Thu Oct  3 00:00:00 2013
    2013-12-03 04:38:18.012519|INFO    |Accounting    |   | ending date       : Wed Apr 16 00:00:00 2014
    2013-12-03 04:38:18.012745|INFO    |Accounting    |   | max virtualservers: 10
    2013-12-03 04:38:18.012958|INFO    |Accounting    |   | max slots         : 512
    2013-12-03 04:38:23.082984|INFO    |              |   | Puzzle precompute time: 5052
    2013-12-03 04:38:23.083460|INFO    |FileManager   |   | listening on
    2013-12-03 04:38:23.517586|ERROR   |ChanClients   |  1| ChanClients() unable to add channel(ID: 5), skipping. Error was: convert error
    2013-12-03 04:38:23.517891|ERROR   |ChanClients   |  1| ChanClients() unable to load channel(ID: 2387) from db (missing channelOrderID: 2380), deleting.
    2013-12-03 04:38:23.613717|ERROR   |DatabaseQuery |   | db_exec() delete from channels where channel_id=2387;delete from channel_propert error: Table '359799.tokens' doesn't exist
    2013-12-03 04:38:23.613877|CRITICAL|ChanClients   |  1| failed to delete channelID: 2387 error: database error
    Premetto che ho provato a trasferire più volte il database (magari era stato copiato male).

    Qualche idea di come posso risolvere il problema? grazie

  2. #2
    Fondatore L'avatar di Kaos
    Data Registrazione
    Sep 2011
    Verona - Italy
    Presumo che la conversione non sia stata il massimo, che passi hai fatto?

  3. #3
    1) stoppato il server
    2) aperto il file ts3server.sqlitedb con SQLite Database Browser
    3) esportato il file come sql
    4) modificato il file in modo che fosse possibile caricarlo tramite phpmyadmin
    5) modificati i file ts3server.ini & ts3db_mysql.ini (per l'accesso al db)
    6) avviato il server

  4. #4
    Fondatore L'avatar di Kaos
    Data Registrazione
    Sep 2011
    Verona - Italy
    Ho appena provato a convertire e non ho riscontrato problemi. (ecco perchè questo ritardo nella risposta)
    Nella conversione bisogna stare attenti a rimuovere tutti i doppi apici ( " ), cambiare AUTOINCREMENT con AUTO_INCREMENT e la sintassi di aggiunta dell'indice tabella da:
    CREATE INDEX index_bans_serverid ON bans (server_id);
    ALTER TABLE bans ADD INDEX ( server_id );
    Bisogna fare attenzione che la creazione della tabella tokens necessita di una modifica:
    CREATE TABLE tokens ( server_id integer unsigned, token_key varchar(50) NOT NULL, token_type integer, token_id1 integer unsigned, token_id2 integer unsigned, token_created integer unsigned, token_description varchar(255), token_customset varchar);
    a (notare "token_customset varchar")
    CREATE TABLE tokens ( server_id integer unsigned, token_key varchar(50) NOT NULL, token_type integer, token_id1 integer unsigned, token_id2 integer unsigned, token_created integer unsigned, token_description varchar(255), token_customset varchar(255));
    in seguito (opzionale) si può aggiungere una colonna iniziale (rowid) con A_I a tutte le tabelle senza colonna unica.

    Guardando i tuoi log vedo:
    Table '359799.tokens' doesn't exist
    ti consiglio pertanto di controllare il punto della tabella tokens (esiste?).

  5. #5
    proverò a fare le dovute modifiche questa notte e ti farò sapere! grazie mille!

    provato, e questo è il nuovo errore.

    2013-12-08 00:59:54.938745|ERROR   |ChanClients   |  1| ChanClients() unable to add channel(ID: 5), skipping. Error was: convert error
    2013-12-08 00:59:54.939059|ERROR   |ChanClients   |  1| ChanClients() unable to load channel(ID: 2457) from db (missing channelOrderID: 1), deleting.
    2013-12-08 00:59:55.044902|ERROR   |ChanClients   |  1| ChanClients() unable to load channel(ID: 1126) from db (missing channelOrderID: 5), deleting.
    2013-12-08 00:59:55.153457|ERROR   |ChanClients   |  1| ChanClients() unable to load channel(ID: 1) from db (missing channelOrderID: 1126), deleting.
    2013-12-08 00:59:55.237979|ERROR   |ChanClients   |  1| ChanClients() unable to load channel(ID: 2533) from db (missing channelOrderID: 1814), deleting.
    2013-12-08 00:59:55.321534|ERROR   |ChanClients   |  1| ChanClients() unable to load channel(ID: 2387) from db (missing channelOrderID: 2380), deleting.
    2013-12-08 00:59:55.405068|ERROR   |ChanClients   |  1| ChanClients() unable to load channel(ID: 3171) from db (missing channelOrderID: 2387), deleting.
    2013-12-08 00:59:55.513701|ERROR   |ChanClients   |  1| ChanClients() unable to load channel(ID: 1814) from db (missing channelOrderID: 2457), deleting.
    2013-12-08 00:59:55.622270|ERROR   |ChanClients   |  1| ChanClients() unable to load channel(ID: 7932) from db (missing channelOrderID: 2533), deleting.
    2013-12-08 00:59:55.730860|ERROR   |ChanClients   |  1| ChanClients() unable to load channel(ID: 2905) from db (missing channelOrderID: 2536), deleting.
    2013-12-08 00:59:55.839470|ERROR   |ChanClients   |  1| ChanClients() unable to load channel(ID: 6147) from db (missing channelOrderID: 2905), deleting.
    2013-12-08 00:59:55.956464|ERROR   |ChanClients   |  1| ChanClients() unable to load channel(ID: 4513) from db (missing channelOrderID: 3171), deleting.
    2013-12-08 00:59:56.090030|ERROR   |ChanClients   |  1| ChanClients() unable to load channel(ID: 5203) from db (missing channelOrderID: 4513), deleting.
    2013-12-08 00:59:56.190213|ERROR   |ChanClients   |  1| ChanClients() unable to load channel(ID: 5717) from db (missing channelOrderID: 5203), deleting.
    2013-12-08 00:59:56.323818|ERROR   |ChanClients   |  1| ChanClients() unable to load channel(ID: 5) from db (missing channelOrderID: 5534), deleting.
    2013-12-08 00:59:56.432391|ERROR   |ChanClients   |  1| ChanClients() unable to load channel(ID: 5718) from db (missing channelOrderID: 5717), deleting.
    2013-12-08 00:59:56.574292|ERROR   |ChanClients   |  1| ChanClients() unable to load channel(ID: 5761) from db (missing channelOrderID: 5718), deleting.
    2013-12-08 00:59:56.716244|ERROR   |ChanClients   |  1| ChanClients() unable to load channel(ID: 5786) from db (missing channelOrderID: 5761), deleting.
    2013-12-08 00:59:56.858145|ERROR   |ChanClients   |  1| ChanClients() unable to load channel(ID: 5840) from db (missing channelOrderID: 5786), deleting.
    2013-12-08 00:59:57.000095|ERROR   |ChanClients   |  1| ChanClients() unable to load channel(ID: 5915) from db (missing channelOrderID: 5840), deleting.
    2013-12-08 00:59:57.142013|ERROR   |ChanClients   |  1| ChanClients() unable to load channel(ID: 6028) from db (missing channelOrderID: 5915), deleting.
    2013-12-08 00:59:57.283954|ERROR   |ChanClients   |  1| ChanClients() unable to load channel(ID: 6396) from db (missing channelOrderID: 6028), deleting.
    2013-12-08 00:59:57.425871|ERROR   |ChanClients   |  1| ChanClients() unable to load channel(ID: 7794) from db (missing channelOrderID: 6147), deleting.
    2013-12-08 00:59:57.567886|ERROR   |ChanClients   |  1| ChanClients() unable to load channel(ID: 6730) from db (missing channelOrderID: 6396), deleting.
    2013-12-08 00:59:57.676403|ERROR   |ChanClients   |  1| ChanClients() unable to load channel(ID: 6801) from db (missing channelOrderID: 6730), deleting.
    2013-12-08 00:59:57.785019|ERROR   |ChanClients   |  1| ChanClients() unable to load channel(ID: 7045) from db (missing channelOrderID: 6801), deleting.
    2013-12-08 00:59:57.893618|ERROR   |ChanClients   |  1| ChanClients() unable to load channel(ID: 7066) from db (missing channelOrderID: 7045), deleting.
    2013-12-08 00:59:58.002211|ERROR   |ChanClients   |  1| ChanClients() unable to load channel(ID: 7122) from db (missing channelOrderID: 7066), deleting.
    2013-12-08 00:59:58.110850|ERROR   |ChanClients   |  1| ChanClients() unable to load channel(ID: 7815) from db (missing channelOrderID: 7122), deleting.
    2013-12-08 00:59:58.219408|ERROR   |ChanClients   |  1| ChanClients() unable to load channel(ID: 7861) from db (missing channelOrderID: 7794), deleting.
    2013-12-08 00:59:58.328019|ERROR   |ChanClients   |  1| ChanClients() unable to load channel(ID: 7858) from db (missing channelOrderID: 7815), deleting.
    2013-12-08 00:59:58.436665|ERROR   |ChanClients   |  1| ChanClients() unable to load channel(ID: 2536) from db (missing channelOrderID: 7858), deleting.
    2013-12-08 00:59:58.520155|ERROR   |ChanClients   |  1| ChanClients() unable to load channel(ID: 7905) from db (missing channelOrderID: 7861), deleting.
    2013-12-08 00:59:58.628854|ERROR   |ChanClients   |  1| ChanClients() unable to load channel(ID: 7969) from db (missing channelOrderID: 7905), deleting.
    2013-12-08 00:59:58.826441|ERROR   |ChanClients   |  1| ChanClients() unable to load channel(ID: 2380) from db (missing channelOrderID: 7932), deleting.
    2013-12-08 00:59:59.024597|ERROR   |ChanClients   |  1| ChanClients() unable to load channel(ID: 7973) from db (missing channelOrderID: 7969), deleting.
    2013-12-08 00:59:59.222313|ERROR   |ChanClients   |  1| ChanClients() unable to load channel(ID: 7980) from db (missing channelOrderID: 7973), deleting.
    2013-12-08 00:59:59.397713|ERROR   |ChanClients   |  1| ChanClients() invalid channel structure, not all channels could be loaded
    2013-12-08 00:59:59.397861|WARNING |ChanClients   |  1| failed to load: cID: 2384 pcID: 2380 deleting channel!
    2013-12-08 00:59:59.489537|WARNING |ChanClients   |  1| failed to load: cID: 3175 pcID: 3171 deleting channel!
    2013-12-08 00:59:59.598383|WARNING |ChanClients   |  1| failed to load: cID: 3176 pcID: 3171 deleting channel!
    2013-12-08 00:59:59.706740|WARNING |ChanClients   |  1| failed to load: cID: 5541 pcID: 4513 deleting channel!
    2013-12-08 00:59:59.823694|WARNING |ChanClients   |  1| failed to load: cID: 5721 pcID: 5717 deleting channel!
    2013-12-08 00:59:59.932339|WARNING |ChanClients   |  1| failed to load: cID: 5723 pcID: 5717 deleting channel!
    2013-12-08 01:00:00.074127|WARNING |ChanClients   |  1| failed to load: cID: 5724 pcID: 5717 deleting channel!
    2013-12-08 01:00:00.216073|WARNING |ChanClients   |  1| failed to load: cID: 5725 pcID: 5717 deleting channel!
    2013-12-08 01:00:00.358007|WARNING |ChanClients   |  1| failed to load: cID: 5726 pcID: 5717 deleting channel!
    2013-12-08 01:00:00.499951|WARNING |ChanClients   |  1| failed to load: cID: 5727 pcID: 5717 deleting channel!
    2013-12-08 01:00:00.641976|WARNING |ChanClients   |  1| failed to load: cID: 5728 pcID: 5717 deleting channel!
    2013-12-08 01:00:00.783791|WARNING |ChanClients   |  1| failed to load: cID: 5734 pcID: 5718 deleting channel!
    2013-12-08 01:00:00.925753|WARNING |ChanClients   |  1| failed to load: cID: 5735 pcID: 5718 deleting channel!
    2013-12-08 01:00:01.067670|WARNING |ChanClients   |  1| failed to load: cID: 5736 pcID: 5718 deleting channel!
    2013-12-08 01:00:01.201279|WARNING |ChanClients   |  1| failed to load: cID: 5737 pcID: 5718 deleting channel!
    2013-12-08 01:00:01.309882|WARNING |ChanClients   |  1| failed to load: cID: 5738 pcID: 5718 deleting channel!
    2013-12-08 01:00:01.418616|WARNING |ChanClients   |  1| failed to load: cID: 5739 pcID: 5718 deleting channel!
    2013-12-08 01:00:01.527071|WARNING |ChanClients   |  1| failed to load: cID: 5740 pcID: 5718 deleting channel!
    2013-12-08 01:00:15.426843|INFO    |VirtualServer |  1| listening on
    che ne pensi?

  6. #6
    Fondatore L'avatar di Kaos
    Data Registrazione
    Sep 2011
    Verona - Italy
    Strano che non mi sia arrivata la notifica per e-mail della discussione, giusto, colpa dell'edit che non lo conta come nuovo messaggio.
    Comunque i log segnano un evidente problema con la tabella dei canali, curiosità, i canali con quegli id (es. 5 o 2457) esistono nelle cartelle dei file? E nel database? (o meglio, prima che provassi ad avviarlo esistevano... ?)

  7. #7
    nelle cartelle dei file ci sono, e nel database prima di avviarlo esistevano.

    Guarda tempo fa ho trasferito un altro db di teamspeak 3 da sqlite a mysql, ma non ho trovato tutte queste complicazioni.
    Immagini Allegate Immagini Allegate
    Ultima modifica di lego; 13-12-2013 alle 12:06 PM

  8. #8
    Fondatore L'avatar di Kaos
    Data Registrazione
    Sep 2011
    Verona - Italy
    Quell'immagine li è del database che sei riuscito a convertire con successo in passato o di quello attuale? (presumo prima delle cancellazioni vedendo anche solo il channel_id 5)
    Comunque c'è una riga che dice
    |ERROR   |ChanClients   |  1| ChanClients() invalid channel structure, not all channels could be loaded
    La tabella potrebbe essere pertanto, e più "semplicemente", danneggiata. Solo per info riusciresti a mandami per MP l'intero file sql?

    Il file l'ho ricevuto, domanda: i canali in questione sono sottocanali di un qualche spacer?

  9. #9
    si, sono sotto uno spacer quasi tutti i canali

  10. #10
    Fondatore L'avatar di Kaos
    Data Registrazione
    Sep 2011
    Verona - Italy
    Bene, tutti i canali all'interno degli spacer verranno sempre eliminati nella conversione, è una cosa che non saprei ancora come evitare (oltre che trasformare in canale lo spacer).

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