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Discussione: Failed to connect to server.

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  1. #1

    Failed to connect to server.

    Salve a tutti,sono nuovo del forum (mi sono iscritto proprio per scrivervi di questo mio problema).
    Mi chiamo Alessio e da quando ho aperto TS un paio di giorni fa mi ha chiesto un aggiornamento,l'ho avviato e dopo ciò non mi ha permesso più di accedere a QUALSIASI server facendo comparire sempre la solita scritta "Failed to connect to server" dopo le prime due che mostravano i tentativi di connessione.
    Ho cercato ovunque e ho provato a impostato i dns di google sul pc (leggendo vecchie domande sono arrivato a fare ciò).
    C'è una cosa però molto curiosa: su youtube ho trovato un tutorial per risolvere questo problema,ossia scaricando Betternet ed una volta avviato questo programmino effettivamente il problema sembrava davvero risolto,solo che ho poi chiuso questo programma e di nuovo mi ha disconnesso dai server di TS.
    Ho provato ad avviare il programma Betternet di nuovo e poi accedere a TS ma sembrava non funzionare più.
    Ho letto di un utente che vi ha allegato dei file all'interno di TS3Client,provo a fare lo stesso (premetto che non sono esperto di TS o altre cose quindi se ho sbagliato qualcosa o non capirò altrettanto mi scuso già da ora ahahah).
    Spero possiate aiutarmi,grazie in anticipo.

    - - - Aggiornato - - -

    Ah giusto,volevo aggiungere che il server a cui cerco di accedere è eu56.ts3.cloud:10586

    E questo è ciò che mi viene segnalato come errore:

    29/03/2017 23:18:40 Info TeamSpeak 3 Client 3.1.3 (2017-03-23 14:31:12)
    29/03/2017 23:18:40 Info SystemInformation: Windows 10 (14393) x64 (AMD or Intel) Binary: 64bit
    29/03/2017 23:18:40 Info Using hardware aes
    29/03/2017 23:18:40 Direct Sound Debug setting timer resolution to 1ms -
    29/03/2017 23:18:40 Addons Info Checking for addon updates...
    29/03/2017 23:18:40 Plugins Info Loading plugin: gamepad_joystick_win64.dll
    29/03/2017 23:18:40 Plugins Info Loading plugin: teamspeak_control_plugin_win64.dll
    29/03/2017 23:18:40 Gamepad Plugin Info Found client raw input wnd proc
    29/03/2017 23:18:40 Gamepad Plugin Info Cleared device list
    29/03/2017 23:18:40 Windows Audio Session Devel DeviceDeleteList::wait_for_deletes - enter - DeviceDeleteList
    29/03/2017 23:18:40 Windows Audio Session Devel DeviceDeleteList::wait_for_deletes - leave - DeviceDeleteList
    29/03/2017 23:18:40 Info *** Time [SERVERVIEWMANAGER]: 145
    29/03/2017 23:18:40 Addon Info Addon up to date.
    29/03/2017 23:18:40 Info *** Time [MAINWINDOW]: 451
    29/03/2017 23:18:40 Info *** Time [INIT]: 451
    29/03/2017 23:18:40 ClientUI Devel Notifications init: Soundpack path: C:/Program Files/TeamSpeak 3 Client/sound\default
    29/03/2017 23:18:40 ClientUI Info Qt version: 5.6.1
    29/03/2017 23:18:40 ClientUI Info Using configuration location: C:\Users\Utente\AppData\Roaming\TS3Client\settings .db
    29/03/2017 23:18:41 ClientUI Info Last update check was: gio mar 30 00:09:34 2017
    29/03/2017 23:18:41 Info Statistics report: Not yet, next report on mer apr 26 00:39:27 2017
    29/03/2017 23:18:41 Bookmarks Info Collecting autoconnect bookmarks
    29/03/2017 23:18:41 Newsticker Info Newsticker next check: gio mar 30 01:39:50 2017
    29/03/2017 23:18:55 ProtobufRPC Warning Error contacting URL https://clientapi.myteamspeak.com/authentication: SSL_ERROR: End of file
    29/03/2017 23:19:46 ClientUI Info Connect to server: eu56.ts3.cloud
    29/03/2017 23:19:46 ClientUI Info Trying to resolve eu56.ts3.cloud
    29/03/2017 23:19:46 TSDNS Info SRV DNS resolve unsuccessful, "_tsdns._tcp.ts3.cloud" DNS server returned answer with no data
    29/03/2017 23:19:46 TSDNS Info A/AAAA DNS resolve successful, "eu56.ts3.cloud" =(h: p:0)
    29/03/2017 23:19:46 TSDNS Info A/AAAA DNS resolve for possible TSDNS successful, "ts3.cloud" =(h: p:0)
    29/03/2017 23:19:46 TSDNS Info A/AAAA DNS resolve for possible TSDNS successful, "eu56.ts3.cloud" =(h: p:0)
    29/03/2017 23:19:46 TSDNS Info SRV DNS resolve unsuccessful, "_ts3._udp.eu56.ts3.cloud" DNS server returned answer with no data
    29/03/2017 23:19:48 TSDNS Info TSDNS queried unsuccessfully
    29/03/2017 23:19:48 TSDNS Info No TSDNS found
    29/03/2017 23:19:48 TSDNS Info TSDNS queried unsuccessfully
    29/03/2017 23:19:48 TSDNS Info No TSDNS found
    29/03/2017 23:19:48 ClientUI Info Lookup finished: ip= port=10586 query=eu56.ts3.cloud error=0
    29/03/2017 23:19:48 ClientUI Info Resolve successful:
    29/03/2017 23:19:48 ClientUI Info Blacklist check ok
    29/03/2017 23:19:48 ClientUI Info Initiating connection:
    29/03/2017 23:19:48 TSDNS Info A/AAAA DNS resolve successful, "blacklist.teamspeak.com" =(h: p:0)
    29/03/2017 23:19:48 Windows Audio Session Devel DeviceDeleteList::wait_for_deletes - enter - DeviceDeleteList
    29/03/2017 23:19:48 Windows Audio Session Devel DeviceDeleteList::wait_for_deletes - leave - DeviceDeleteList
    29/03/2017 23:19:48 Windows Audio Session Debug WAS::openDevice-enter - {}.{67de27fb-05a6-4480-a2a6-06db004d4386}
    29/03/2017 23:19:48 Windows Audio Session Devel Format detected: Multichannel capable Float - Altoparlanti (Turtle Beach PLa Headset)
    29/03/2017 23:19:48 Windows Audio Session Info Initialized with 2 channels in 16bit, 48kHz. - Altoparlanti (Turtle Beach PLa Headset)
    29/03/2017 23:19:48 Windows Audio Session Devel WAS Buffer size: 1056 - Altoparlanti (Turtle Beach PLa Headset)
    29/03/2017 23:19:48 Windows Audio Session Debug WAS::openDevice-leave - {}.{67de27fb-05a6-4480-a2a6-06db004d4386}
    29/03/2017 23:19:48 Windows Audio Session Debug WAS::startDevice-enter - {}.{67de27fb-05a6-4480-a2a6-06db004d4386}
    29/03/2017 23:19:48 Windows Audio Session Debug WAS::startDevice-leave - {}.{67de27fb-05a6-4480-a2a6-06db004d4386}
    29/03/2017 23:19:48 Windows Audio Session Devel DeviceDeleteList::wait_for_deletes - enter - DeviceDeleteList
    29/03/2017 23:19:48 Windows Audio Session Devel DeviceDeleteList::wait_for_deletes - leave - DeviceDeleteList
    29/03/2017 23:19:48 Windows Audio Session Debug WAS::openDevice-enter - {}.{05b9e84b-7005-418b-a2e5-819ede7eeec4}
    29/03/2017 23:19:48 Windows Audio Session Devel Format detected: Multichannel capable Float - Microfono (Turtle Beach PLa Headset)
    29/03/2017 23:19:48 Windows Audio Session Info Initialized with 2 channels in 16bit, 48kHz. - Microfono (Turtle Beach PLa Headset)
    29/03/2017 23:19:48 Windows Audio Session Devel WAS Buffer size: 1056 - Microfono (Turtle Beach PLa Headset)
    29/03/2017 23:19:48 Windows Audio Session Debug WAS::openDevice-leave - {}.{05b9e84b-7005-418b-a2e5-819ede7eeec4}
    29/03/2017 23:19:48 PreProSpeex Info Speex version: speex-1.2beta3
    29/03/2017 23:19:48 Windows Audio Session Debug WAS::startDevice-enter - {}.{05b9e84b-7005-418b-a2e5-819ede7eeec4}
    29/03/2017 23:19:48 Windows Audio Session Debug WAS::startDevice-leave - {}.{05b9e84b-7005-418b-a2e5-819ede7eeec4}
    29/03/2017 23:19:49 ClientUI Info Connect status: Connecting
    29/03/2017 23:19:54 ClientUI Info Blacklist check timeout
    29/03/2017 23:19:54 ClientUI Info Connect status: Disconnected
    29/03/2017 23:19:54 ClientUI Info Failed to connect to server, want autoreconnect = 0
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